Let’s recall for a moment, WHY we created our petition to Reopen the Mare Island Preserve Now! on Thanksgiving weekend 2019. Simple. Not in ANY way because we are blaming the Mayor, City Council or Staff for their decision to address post September 2019 fire issues in the Preserve. As we see all over the world, there’s a pressing need to address post fire ecology in a specific way. That hasn’t happened here in our Preserve. Not only have we as your trusted founders and funders of the Mare Island Preserve, which simply would not exist without us, been locked out, so have our respected technical advisors who helped us manage both the natural and the cultural history resources you treasure. Now, this is simply wrong.

Let’s commit ourselves to explicitly expressing our heartfelt concern for this serious failure to assess and address the real damage and real ecological opportunities before it is just too late. There is not now nor at any time in the past 14 weeks since the abrupt closure of the Preserve, any citizen access, review of plans or ongoing communication. This is deeply disturbing.

We are beginning to see that without very urgent and immediate intervention, irreversible damage may well be done to our sanctuary and Preserve. Your investment in cash over the last 12 years in addition to public and corporate donations of volunteer hours, in-kind professional services and consultations and park specific donations of equipment and supplies totals in the $millions to date. Yet, we have been locked out not only from the Preserve, but are not being given reasonable accommodations to remove EVERYTHING we have invested in over 12 years of operations. This is WRONG!

We just need your help to support us in this fight for yours and our Preserve and it’s priceless treasures and our collective investments. Please sign and continue to share this petition. It is one tool we have. http://chng.it/wtqYqngM

Thanks so much. There are other ways to help. Give me a call or text at 707-249-9633.

Myrna Hayes, Co-founder and volunteer Preserve Manager, Mare Island Preserve